Your Daily Routine For Healthy Curls

Your Daily Routine For Healthy Curls

Are your curls feeling a tad listless, dry, or are you having difficulty with styling? If so, it might be time to shake up your curl care routine. Curls can become used to your products, or your routine might not be as effective as you think. However, there’s hope! Sometimes, all your curls need are a few simple switches to make your hair bounce back. Here’s your daily routine for healthy curls. Give these tips a try and let us know if it works for you.

Your Daily Routine For Healthy Curls


This is something you simply cannot skip, especially during the times of year when your curls are under constant attack from the elements. Your curls will need daily moisturizing. There are tons of ways to do this so you can pick what works best for your curls. Leave in conditioners, curl refreshing spray, and even plain water are all great ways to hydrate dry locks. After you add moisture, make sure to seal it in with a bit of oil.

The Best Way to Moisturize Your Curls Daily


This isn’t something you need to do daily, but it’s still important to do regularly.  Most curlies cowash their hair 1-2 times per week for maximum effectiveness. Cowashing your strands can help remove build up or excess product without damaging your delicate strands. Your curls will be refreshed, which will also make it easier to style your strands. This is also a great time to detangle your curls, as the cowash works to create slip. Utilize your fingers or a wide toothed comb to manage even the most difficult snarls.

Before you hit the shower, make sure to take the time to pre poo your curls. This is also a good time to give a hydrating mud rinse a try. Feel free to experiment with different types of pre poo to figure out which works best for your curly hair.

Why You Should Wash Your Curls Less


After cowashing, make sure to follow up with a deep conditioning treatment. This will help restore any lost moisture to your strands. Afterward, this is a great time to apply or refresh any product you might need to help your curls. Remember to periodically swap out products as needed to achieve maximum effectiveness.