Why You Should Wash Your Curls Less

Why You Should Wash Your Curls Less


Why You Should Wash Your Curls Less

Have you ever struggled with frizzy, dry curls? If so, you should think about how often you’re washing your hair. If the answer is daily, or even every other day, it’s time to consider cutting back. Daily washes do more harm than good, and aren’t necessary for great looking curls. Here’s why you should wash your curls less.

Saves time:

Have you ever thought about how much time you actually spend washing your curls? Doing a wash day correctly takes quite a bit of time. If you’re doing this daily, you’re either spending a lot of time on your hair or you’re skipping crucial steps. Save your time and energy, and limit your wash days to once a week.

Saves water:

Believe it or not, water isn’t an infinite resource. Not only does it save you money on your utility bills, it’s good for the environment to skip on the washes. An 8 minute shower uses over 17 gallons of water, and we all know it takes more than that to give your curls a good wash. Save the planet and skip a wash!

Saves money:

Every time you wash your curls, you’re using product, water, and heat. The longer you go between, the less shampoo and conditioner you’re using. Additionally, you’ll also avoid using as much product, which also ensures you’ll save money as your products will last longer.

Saves hair:

Spending too much time under the shower stream can wreak havoc on your delicate strands. Avoid the grief and skip out on a couple of those showers. Your curls will remain frizz free and healthy. Each time you shower and wash your hair, you remove any natural oils that may have accumulated. Skipping showers will allow your scalp to regulate and be healthy.

How often do you wash your curls? Let us know in the comments!

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