Try this quick routine for gorgeous daily curls×1024.jpg

When it comes to taking care of your curls, figuring out how to take care of your strands quickly is ideal. Who has time to spend on hours and hours for a curl care routine? We surely don’t! However, we also still want to have great curls. Therefore, you should try this quick routine for gorgeous daily curls. Blogger Sazan shared her routine on how she gets well formed, easy to style and care for curls. Frankly, we can’t get enough! Give this routine a try, and if it works for you, make sure to let us know in the comments.

Shampoo and condition:

When it comes to washing, less is more. Therefore, you should cut back on your washes to 2-3 times a week. While in the shower, Sazan uses a wide-toothed comb to move product through her strands, as well as gently dislodge knots or tangles. After her shower, Sazan applies her products, and then allows her hair to completely air dry before she touches it. This helps keep your strands from becoming frizzy.

Styling products:

For those with naturally thick curls, you most likely have more natural volume to your curls. If you don’t, you’re going to want to grab a voluminizing products to help give your strands a boost. If you find your strands become frizzy, you’re also going to want to grab yourself a frizz management product, such as a curl care cream. Mousses are also great to help hold your curls without creating stiff, sticky curls. Layering your products will help your curls get the most out of your products, and that way you’ll be able to tell if your strands are getting too heavy.

Touch up:

As mentioned above, Sazan doesn’t touch her curls until they’re completely dry. However, once her curls have air dried all the way, she will then go back with a heat tool to touch up any strands that didn’t completely curl up like she would like them to. If you do choose to use a heat tool, that’s totally fine, but try to avoid over using it. Additionally, make sure you’ve applied a heat protectant spray or oil throughout your strands first to keep your hair from being damaged.