• Oftentimes when we struggle to get our curls under control, it can be easy to give up. However, these are more things you can do to get great curls today. Starting yourself on the road to curl care recovery can be daunting, especially if you’ve been straightening or treating your curls for a long time. However, there are little steps you can take to help make your curls much easier to manage.

  • https://lovewww.curlyhair.com/img/posts/2020/06/fav-1-1024 ×1024.jpg Curly hair is thirsty. That’s one fact that hardly anyone can argue when it comes to taking care of curls. Due to the coiled nature of curly hair, natural oils and sebum struggle to make its way down the hair’s shaft. Therefore, curls are often dryer than other textures. As a result, you’ll need to help your curls out to help your strands stay hydrated. Here’s how you can moisturize your way to gorgeous curls.

  • santaclarahairstudio.com Whether you’ve been rocking your natural curls for year or are new to curly hair game, managing the moisture levels in your curls can be an ongoing struggle. We want to help you avoid the struggles we had with our curls so here are some suggestions on how to moisturize your own dry curls. Mist every day: Whether you’re sprtizing your curls with water to add in lost moisture.

  • There can be a lot of trial and error on the path to having great curls. If you’ve done it all but still struggle to get the curls of your dreams, there might be some room for improvement. Here are the mistakes most curly girls make and what you can do to fix it. http://ch-xrms.tumblr.com/post/128138578238/muvakita-cocvinex-fashion-chxrms Mistakes Most Curly Girls Make Ignoring directions: The directions on the packaging are there for a reason.

  • logicsreason.tumblr.com When it comes to curls, there are tons of mistakes to make. That’s totally ok! Making mistakes is all just part of the process when it comes to loving your hair. However, we’d like you to learn from us and try to avoid as many of these pitfalls as possible. Here are some of the mistakes you could be making and what to do to avoid them. Seeing a stylist who doesn’t have curly hair: When it comes to curls, you want your stylist to be able to relate to you.

  • For curly girls, cowashing is often the answer to avoiding dry, lifeless and damaged curls. While shampoo can certainly get your hair clean, it often can overclean, which results in more problems than it’s worth. i.pinimg.com However, in order to reap the benefits of cowashing, it has to be done the correct way. Here are some suggestions on what not to do if you want to avoid the pitfalls of cowashing incorrectly.

  • bombshellssonly.tumblr.com For curly girls, knots and tangles can be the bane of our existence. Nothing is more annoying than trying to run your fingers through your curls only to be stopped by a mega knot. Managing knots and tangles is part of the everyday curl care of a curly girl, but that doesn’t mean it’s an enjoyable task. However, there are some steps you can take to help make your daily life easier.

  • pinterest.com If you have curls, odds are you’ve dealt with split ends at some point. Splits happen for a variety of reasons. Maybe you’ve overstayed your curls or treated them with chemicals or heat. Perhaps it’s been a long time between hair cuts. No matter what the reason, splits can keep your curls from growing long. The more you leave splits to their own devices, the further they’re going to creep up your curl’s shaft.

  • https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d0/09/93/d009932abfc31c5a53e3b6ac4fadbed3.jpg How To Manage Shrinkage and Knots If you’re in the process of growing out your curly hair, you know it can be painstaking. For every step forward, it can feel like there are several back. One of the biggest issues many curlies face is dealing with shrinkage and single strand knots, or SSKs. SSKs can cause a lot of damage to strands and not every curly girl is even aware of them until they happen.

  • https://i.pinimg.com/564x/98/77/29/987729a977d34bf026b78fffcacfd998.jpg Having fine, thin curls can occasionally feel like more of a curse than a blessing. When it comes to volume, fine curls tend to fall on the flatter side. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t get the big, bouncy, full curls of your dreams. There are some tips and tricks you can use for making your fine curls look fuller. If you’re hoping for a mane of bigger curls, you’re in the right place.

  • http://cradiori.ru/?a=cz1zdXBlcndibG9nMjAxOS5ibG9nZ2VyaXVtLnJ1JnA9MTA0NzkxLTE3LXRyZW5keS1pZGVhcy1mb3ItaGFpci1tZXNzeS1jdXJscy1uYXR1cmFsbHktY3VybHkuaHRtbA== If you’ve spent your entire life chemically relaxing your natural curls and are ready for a change, you’ve come to the right place. While we support all women in whatever they decide to do with their curls, we’re also all about embracing one’s natural texture. Transitioning can feel daunting, but fortunately you’re alone. Here are tips for making the transition from relaxed to natural curls smoothly. Once you take the plunge, you’re sure to love your natural curls!

  • https://i.pinimg.com/564x/ce/ef/93/ceef93ae7ecffe10bdce9a0792f62a62.jpg It’s no secret your curls usually look best on wash day. However, before you know it second day curls are here. While second day curls are inevitable, you can still make your curls awesome. This is the key to making second day curls shine. Give these suggestions a try, and let us know how they work for you. Making Second Day Curls Shine Evening: After you’ve been out in the world with your freshly washed curls, you’re going to want to take care of your hair as soon as you get home.

  • naturallycurly.com Having curls is an amazing thing! Curly girls have a lot going for them and it’s no wonder that tons of people everywhere are jealous of what we were born with. However, as awesome as it is to rock your curly locks, having curls can be equally frustrating. Here are a few suggestions on how to get the most out of your curls so you can spend more time enjoying them and less time annoyed by them.

  • i.pinimg.com It seems that tons of curly girls want to know; what’s the best way to maintain moisturized curls? Curly hair tends to be on the dry side, as natural oils can’t easily make it down the curl shaft. If you don’t moisturize your curls and take good care of your strands, you’ll end up with brittle, broken locks. Here are some great suggestions on how to keep your curls soft and supple.

  • i.pinimg.com/originals Most curly girls have experienced dryness when it comes to their curls. Keeping curls well moisturized can be tricky. Curls have more difficulty maintaining moisture than other hair types due to the coiled shape of the strands. This makes it more difficult for natural oils to make it down the shaft. However, there are a few things you can do to maintain moisture in curls. More deep conditioners: Many curlies deep condition regularly, but if your strands are still dry you might need to increase the regularity.

  • pinterest.com We don’t know about you, but we are always looking out for the best ways to maintain our curls (with the least amount of work!). If you have naturally curly hair, you know how tough it can be to figure out which curl care regime works best for your types of curls. The LOC method will help keep moisture in, keep curl patterns intact and make sure everything’s hydrated as it should be!

  • i.pinimg.com Having curls is a dream come true for lots of girls, and often a source of envy for our friends without! However, if your curls are thin, you face some frustrations that not everyone else might have to deal with. Fine, thin curls are more prone to frizz, to falling flat and to damage, and therefore need a little extra TLC to keep them looking fabulous. Here are some great suggestions on how to keep your curls always looking amazing.

  • blackhairinformation.com If you have naturally curly hair, and are thinking about beginning the process towards wearing your natural hair, this is the post for you. Natural curls are beautiful, glorious and complex, especially if you’ve been managing your hair with chemical treatments, braids, weaves and clips. It can be a lot of work to go natural, but also very rewarding. These are things we wished we had known when we began our journey to embracing our natural curls.

  • https://blackhairinformation.com/hairstyle-gallery/all-puffed-up/ Having the correct balance in your curls can be very beneficial. Well balanced means you have healthy, easy to style curls. However, sometimes things get out of whack. Here’s how to know if your curls are balanced, and what to do if they aren’t. How To Know If Your Curls Are Balanced Too much moisture: Your hair feels very dry, and is excessively frizzy Curls feel very elastic, and stretches far beyond what’s normal The hair breaks very easily, after stretching out completely Feels soft, and “mushes” between your fingertips when wet Your curls don’t hold, and fall out easily

  • naturalhairdaily.tumblr.com Understanding how to care for your curls and having a good regime in place is essential to having beautiful, healthy curls. Have you ever wondered if your routine is actually working and giving you the results you want? There are some things you simply can’t avoid, such as minimal breakage and split ends. However, having minimal breakage or splits means your routine is working. Here are some other ways you can tell your regime is working: