Why Your Natural Curls Aren’t Growing

curly hair


Have you ever wondered why your natural curls aren’t growing? Many curly girls find themselves frustrated on their curl care journey. Despite their best efforts, it can seem like their curls grow slowly or break before achieving length. If you’re struggling with length, it might not be all your fault. Here are a few reasons why your curls might not be growing as you’d like.

Ultraviolet radiation: Not only can the sun’s rays harm your skin, it can also be damaging to your curls. It’s the same with harsh winter temperatures. Protective styles or hair covers can help protect the interior of your curl’s shaft from fluctuations which sap moisture.

Chlorination and hard water: Even if you’re hitting the pool regularly, your curls can still be damaged. The chemicals and minerals in chlorinated or hard water can strip your curls of moisture, making it difficult for them to stay hydrated. Buy a filter for your shower if you have hard water and seal your curls before jumping in the pool.

Nutritional deficiencies: No matter what products you use, if your diet is off your curls will suffer. Make sure to eat a balanced diet to give curls a healthy start from the inside out.

Wrong products: Finding the right curl care product is crucial. Curl type and porosity are important when picking your curl care products. Work with the products you have to figure out if they’re working or if you need to adjust to find a better fit.

Hands off: Do you constantly have your hands in your curls? If so, hands off! Allow your curls to be as they are and try not to force them into textures or styles that don’t work for them. Similarly, find low manipulation styles that work for you and don’t put strain on your curls.

Don’t check: As tempting as it can be, avoid doing a regular length check. Constantly checking on your curl’s length will make you frustrated. Instead, focus on the things you can control, like creating a great curl regime, eating well and treating your curls with care.