How To Fight Frizz

fight frizz

If you have curls, you need to learn how to fight frizz. Frizz can make your otherwise gorgeous curls become a nuisance to manage. There are many causes for frizz, but keeping it under control doesn’t have to be a war. Here’s how you can fight frizz to get great, smooth, and shiny curls. You can also read about How To Keep Frizz To A Minimum.

Fight Frizz

Vitamin E:

Buy Vitamin E capsules or by the bottle. Use the liquid to apply directly to your damp curls. Work it in by using the prayer method (smoothing down your strands between both hands) to make sure all your strands receive this beneficial treatment.

Dry correctly:

Not all curlies know how to correctly dry their curls. Many are still using terry cloth towels, which can dry and tear your delicate strands. This is an instant recipe for frizz. Instead of rubbing your curls dry, use a terry cloth towel or a large old t-shirt and wrap it around your head. Allow it to sit for 10-15 minutes to absorb water before gently cupping and blotting excess moisture from your curls. While a diffuser can help hasten the drying process, on days you have some free time, try allowing your curls to air dry naturally. Not only will this allow you to see your curl’s natural shape, it will also help protect it from the damage heat can cause.


Dry curls are going to become frizzy curls. While it can be a pain to regularly deep condition your curls, you absolutely can’t skip out on rehydrating them. You can do this by spritzing your curls with water, your own mixture of water, gel, leave in conditioner and oils, or a purchased refreshing spray. Do it daily (or even twice daily if you’re extra dry) to help rehydrate parched strands.

Check your health:

If you’re taking good care of your hair but still struggling with frizz, your health might be to blame. Take a hard look at your lifestyle: are you sleeping enough, eating well, hydrating, and getting regular exercise? If your body is missing out on something, it can leach those extra nutrients from your hair, which can lead to problems with your curls. It also doesn’t hurt to check in with your doctor make sure a hormonal imbalance isn’t to blame.