Easy Curl Care Tips

curly hair


Have you ever wished your curls looked better or were easier to manage? We’ve all been there at one point because let’s face it; curls are tough! However, we want you to love your beautiful curls! Here are some easy curl care tip s to help you get the most out of your natural texture.

Try it out:

A lot of curl care comes down to simple trial and error. You’re going to need to experiment with routines, products, and tools to figure out what works for your curls. At times you’re going to fail or be frustrated, but that’s ok! Take note of what works and doesn’t work for your curls and develop your own curl care toolkit to help you get the most out of your strands.

Give it time:

If a technique or a product doesn’t work for you on the first try, don’t get frustrated and throw it out. Just because something isn’t working exactly how you want it right doesn’t mean it isn’t good. Give a product or technique 3-4 tries before moving on to the next thing.

Get regular trims:

Just because curls might look healthy doesn’t mean they won’t benefit from regular trims. Taking care of your curls is crucial and will help them grow long and stay healthy. Schedule every 6-8 weeks with your stylist for a quick trim. This will also give you time to ask them about suggestions for curl care and to discuss your curl goals.

Don’t overwash:

Your curls are already naturally dry because sebum can’t move down the coily shaft like it does straight hair. Therefore, your strands will actually benefit from less washes. However, this doesn’t mean you can forgo regular moisturizing. Make sure you’re regularly deep conditioning and hydrating your strands with water mists or leave in conditioners.

Take care:

Remember to care for yourself and your curls! Avoid exposing your curls to too much heat or harsh elements. When you sleep, try to protect your strands by sleeping on satin or silk. Make sure you’re also taking care of yourself by getting plenty of sleep, exercise, and eating well.