Curly Hair Care Myths

Curly Hair Care Myths

When you’re trying to learn about your curls, it can feel like there’s a lot of misleading information out there. There are tons of articles, vlogs, blogs, and YouTube channels out there with loads of information to sort through. The process can be very daunting and overwhelming. Adding to this are the curly hair care myths floating around. We believe a lot of outdated things about our curls. Here are some curly hair care myths that we’ve busted for you.

Curly Hair Care Myths

Protective styles will help curls grow faster:

While protective styles have a place, it doesn’t always work well for every curly girl. Curlies with type 4C curls, or kinky coils, seem to benefit most. Protective styles hold moisture in, and protect curls from the elements, but this doesn’t make your hair grow faster. It can, however, help maintain length by discouraging breakage.

Hair products make hair grow faster:

All hair grows at a rate of 1/2 inch per month. This means if everything goes perfectly, you can expect about 6 inches of growth per year. Of course, there are occasionally extenuating circumstances that can increase growth, such as pregnancy but generally you can expect your hair to grow normally. Products marketed to make hair grow faster are just taking your money and won’t deliver on that promise. Skip them and spend the money on trims at your local hairstylist instead.

Curl care is expensive:

You definitely can blow your curl care budget on loads of expensive products, or you can not. Taking care of natural curls can be as expensive or cost effective as you’d like it to be. There are lots of great and inexpensive curl care lines that work as well the pricier products.

You can’t achieve length:

So many curly girls believe that it’s impossible to grow their hair out. This isn’t the case! It might take longer for curls to show length because of the coiled shape. However, if you take good care of your curls, over time you will see length. Spend time developing a good curl care regimen, eating well, hydrating and soon you’ll see your curls growing.

How To Keep Your Curls From Breaking