Easy Protective Styles You Can Try Today

How To Keep Your Curly Hair Moisturized

During the cold winter months, it’s important to take care of your curls. Therefore, you’ll need to have some protective styles ready to go. It can feel overwhelming to try to come up with various styles. However, we’ve got you covered. Here are easy protective styles you can try today. Your curls will be protected, and you can do it right at home! Let us know which is your favorite.

Easy Protective Styles You Can Try Today

Easy Protective Styles You Can Try Today

Asymmetrical chunky braids

One of the best things about this look is that it’s super easy to do because it doesn’t have to be perfect. Divide your curls into as many or as little sections as you’d like for your curl type, making sure one side has more hair than the other, then braid into chunky braids. You can tie the braids off and leave your strands loose, or pin them up for a chic updo.

Easy Protective Styles You Can Try Today

Low bun with braid

There are times when you don’t want to go with an elaborate or tight protective style. However, you might want to keep your hair pulled back or out of your face. Therefore, you could consider this low bun with braid. It’s easy to customize and you can keep your strands loosely tied back. This type of protective style works great for curlies who might have damaged curls or hair prone to breakage.

Easy Protective Styles You Can Try Today

Upswept twists

Twists can do a lot for your curls in way of offering protection. The curls wrapped inside are protected from the elements. Therefore, your strands will be less prone to moisture loss. As a result, your curls will stay hydrated longer and will require less attention. A second bonus from twists is that when you remove your twists your curls will be well defined. This upswept twist look brings your twists up and over for a modern and fun twist on a classic protective style.

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