What is frizzy hair, and how do you manage it?


Do you ever feel as though you’re really overwhelmed by your frizzy hair? If so, you’re not alone. There’s a lot of misinformation out there about frizzy hair, and what you need to do to manage it. Therefore. we thought it would be worthwhile to share more information about what frizzy hair is , and how you can actually take care of it more effectively. Whether you love your frizz or want it to calm down, you’re in the right spot for more information.

_What is frizzy hair?
_To keep it simple, frizzy hair is made of strands that don’t “sit in line with the surrounding hair.” It stands apart from your other strands, and doesn’t conform to your strand’s natural texture or shape, so it appears to look different.

Why do curls frizz?

There are a lot of reasons why curls can frizz. Some you can control, and others you cannot. Sometimes, this is due to genetics, where your hair is just going to do what it wants to do. The weather can also have a significant impact on your strands. For example, you might notice your curls frizzing up or acting out more during certain types of weather or seasons. Humidity, rain, and mist can be big factors in how your curls become more frizzy.

However, there are things within our control that we can deal with. For example, damage can be a cause of frizzy hair. If your curls are weak or broken, they might stand up from your other strands or be more likely to pop up. When you have friction on your curls, such as from rubbing your hair dry with a towel, or wearing a rough hat, this can also rough up the cuticle and create frizz.

So, what can I do about it?

Glad you asked! There are lots of things one can do to help minimize frizz. For starters, begin by managing your curls. Moisturize them regularly, and make sure your strands are well hydrated. This will encourage your curls to stay healthy, and not become as easily damaged.

Try to avoid using too much heat on your curls when you can. Try to allow your strands to air dry, and when you can’t avoid heat, use a protecting spray. Additionally, make sure you’re minimizing the amount of contact your curls have with hot tools.

Try to get in for regular trims with your stylist. This will remove damaged ends, which will discourage splits or frizz starting from the bottom of your curls and working its way up your hair. When you’re styling your curls, make sure to avoid brushing dry strands (or even really brushing at all, if you can avoid it).

Finally, take care of your curls! Make sure you’re using products that are healthy, and full of good quality ingredients. Avoid products that can dry out or damage your curls. Additionally, ensure you’re sleeping on a silk or satin pillowcase, which allows the strands to slip across the pillowcase without tugging or tearing.