Try This DIY Mask For Longer, Stronger Curls

longer, stronger curls

Wishing for longer, stronger curls? Most of us wish our curls were something other than what they are at one point or another. While we can’t change what we were born with, we can help it along a bit by taking care of it. If your curls are feeling thin, dry, or brittle, it might be time for some extra TLC. Try out this super easy, DIY mask, which will help rejuvenate dry, lifeless strands. Let us know what you think in the comments and check out these other great curl care masks: DIY Curl Care Hair Recipes .


1 large egg

4 tablespoons castor oil (we like Jamaican Black castor oil)

2 tablespoons organic, raw honey

Water as needed

What to do:

Beat the egg until frothy than add in the castor oil and honey. Mix well until the mixture is completely blended. Add water as needed to thin it out. Add more or less of the other ingredients based upon the hair’s length and density, as this will help make the product work for your hair. Thicker, heavier curls might need more ingredients to make enough mask, whereas wavy, fine curls might need less castor oil to avoid being weighed down.

Once the mixture is blended, pour into a plastic applicator bottle. Section curls into 4-6 even sections, depending on how much hair you have, and clip back the parts you aren’t working with. Cover your shoulders with a towel or wear an old t-shirt because the oil may stain your clothing. Using the applicator bottle, apply the mixture directly your scalp at the base of the sections and make sure to completely cover the scalp. Use your fingertips to work the mixture into your scalp, massaging it in slow, even circles for about 10 minutes. Gently comb the product down throughout your strands.

Once the mixture is in, allow it to sit for 30-60 minutes. Cover with a plastic cap, sit under a steamer, or wrap curls in a warm towel to help the product be absorbed into the strands. A gentle cleansing shampoo will remove the product from your curls. Follow with a conditioner. Use every time you wash for a month to see results.