• https://i.pinimg.com/236x/0b/07/79/0b0779fb9cc8cd47c91a60731cfa555d.jpg For curly girls interested in growing out their curly hair, a protective style is often the way to go. Even for keeping your hair healthy, protective styles are very useful. However, it’s important to keep your strands healthy before putting your hair back. Here’s how y ou can go about prepping your curls for protective styles, and make sure your curls stay healthy. Prepping your curls for protective styles CLEANSE:

  • blog.hergivenhair.com/ Seeing your curls thin is a terrible feeling. We work so hard to keep our curls healthy that when they thin, it can be very distressing. There are a lot of things that can cause thinning hair. This can include stress, hormonal imbalance, poor diet, pregnancy, and other health issues. If you’re experiencing curl loss or thinning hair, make sure you visit your healthcare provider to rule out any underlying causes.

  • madamenoire.com We know having healthy pH levels are important for your overall wellbeing, but did you know having an unbalanced pH on your scalp can limit the growth and overall health of your curly hair? No worries! We are going to walk you through the proper routine to make sure your curly hair is its healthiest and happiest. First things first: what is pH? pH is the measurement of acidity in a substance on a scale of 0-14.

  • pinterest.com Let’s face it, curlies. Whether your curls are thick or fine, you’ve got a lot of them. Working through your curls can be really challenging, especially when you’re trying to keep them from tangling or prevent the curl from falling. This means that when it comes time to washing your hair, your scalp might be getting the short end of the stick. Since curlies are encouraged to wash their hair less to retain healthy oils and moisture, we tend to use more products than those that wash their curls more frequently.

  • https://i.pinimg.com/564x/bc/2e/d0/bc2ed08c4780eba12f1d7ea83ef3b77f.jpg Are you feeling as though your strands could use a little bit of that sun-kissed summer glow? Even though summer is beginning to wind down for many of us, there’s no reason why you can’t hang onto the look of days spent basking in the sun on the beach or by the pool. However, if you’d like to achieve this look without hitting the salon, there are a few tricks you can try at home.

  • Curls are like the ultimate prima donna: High maintenance, unpredictable and in need of some extra TLC. Shake up your routine and let your curls know who’s boss with these six styling hacks that will make your life so much easier. We’re talking no frizz, great definition and lust- worthy second, third and even fourth day curls. What are you waiting for? You go curl!

    1. Know Your Ingredients: Going from a product junkie to an ingredient junkie will not only help you learn about good quality ingredients and how they affect your hair, but by knowing what works and what doesn’t will save your bank account and your curls.

  • https://i.pinimg.com/564x/17/3a/12/173a125efa4908066bfd76ac046f0da1.jpg There’s a lot of information out there regarding how to care for natural curls. It’s easy to become lost down a rabbit hole of blogs, infographics, and YouTube tutorials. If you want to cut to the chase and not spend your day perusing the internet, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with these natural curl tips you can try to day. Save yourself some time, and give this list a look over.

  • i.pinimg.com If you have naturally curly hair, these tips are for you! When it comes to taking care of your curls, there is a lot of information out there, some good, some ok and some terrible. Whether you’re a seasoned curlista or just beginning to travel down the road of your natural curl care journey, these tips can help you make the very best out of your natural curls, no matter what texture you have.

  • https://www.enfemenino.com/cabello/mono-doble-space-buns-s2312785.html#d1104976-p20 Taking care of curls isn’t easy, but it doesn’t have to be overly difficult either. Having a few tricks up your sleeve can help. Here are the natural curl hacks you need to know. Natural Curl Hacks Use a t-shirt: If you’re still towel tousling your curls dry, you’re doing it wrong. Terry cloth pulls at delicate strands, causing damage and frizz. Skip the towel rub down and blot away excess water with an old t-shirt.

  • https://i.pinimg.com/236x/f9/c9/9c/f9c99c7ee26ab99a14fb313198402783.jpg Understand how to take care of curls can be a bit of a process. However, the more you experiment and try different things, the better you’ll get at it. Therefore, here are some must know curly hair tricks and tips to try. Give these a whirl, and if any work for you, make sure you let us know! Must Know Curly Hair Tricks and Tips Don’t touch: One of the most important, yet under utilized tips, is to avoid touching your curls.

  • https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e6/d6/76/e6d676563d7257f99cf460d9055b5f9a.jpg Are you feeling as though your strands could use a little bit of that sun-kissed summer glow? Even though summer is beginning to wind down for many of us, there’s no reason why you can’t hang onto the look of days spent basking in the sun on the beach or by the pool. However, if you’d like to achieve this look without hitting the salon, there are a few tricks you can try at home.

  • While every curly girl has different needs for her strands, there are a few things that can help out everyone. Rather than having to spend hours combing the internet for the best tips and tricks, we’ve gathered a few to help you along. Here are more tips you need to rock your curls. Don’t forget to add your favorite tips for other curlies in the comments. Add one product or change at a time:

  • https://i.pinimg.com/564x/10/45/08/10450821e01af55f2a3c6c35a8d3d331.jpg When you’re trying to grow out your curls, nothing is more irritating than sluggish growth. However, there are some things you can do to help encourage faster curl growth, starting a refreshing scalp scrub. Over time, build up on your scalp can block your pores, and cause circulation to slow down. When this happens, natural curl growth can slow down as well. Luckily, you can make even more scalp scrubs for increased curl growth right at home with ingredients you have on hand.

  • https://i.pinimg.com/236x/06/ca/9d/06ca9ddd7ed95b1b47c5ef93cbb2ebbe.jpg When you can find a bargain on curly hair products, you should absolutely consider snapping them up. However, there are times when products aren’t on sale, and you still need them. Therefore, here are even more curly products to buy all year round. Don’t be afraid to treat yourself! Give these products a try, and let us know which you love, and which you’d recommend to other curly girls.

  • https://diana-cdn.naturallycurly.com/Articles2.0/AfVDfNjoDmYWyqqG2ASmw/contentImages/b23e0396a8e6ab88ddbda530c545190a/fine-curly-hair-700.jpg Do you have fine curls and struggle with figuring out how to moisturize them? If so, you’re certainly not alone. Even though it can be tempting to skip out on deep conditioning, leave in conditioners, and other moisturizers to avoid dragging your strands down, in the long run it can actually do more harm than good. You see, even though your strands are fine, they still need moisture in order to thrive and be healthy.

  • pinterest.com Curls come in a variety of shapes, sizes and textures. Each curl pattern is unique to the individual girl, and therefore each curl needs different care. When it comes to your curls, knowing their level of porosity can be helpful in figuring out how to care for your curls. There are a few different types of porosity that your curls can have, and there are different ways to moisturize for each level of porosity .

  • If we told you that waves and curls are the same, we’d be lying! While waves are part of the curly family, this texture of hair is not the same. This isn’t to say you won’t benefit from information on how to take care of your natural waves, because you will! You’ll just need some different tips and tricks on how to take care of your waves. Therefore, these are the mistakes to avoid when taking care of wavy curls.

  • pinterest.com Even though we all try hard to keep our curls looking their best, there can sometimes be some challenges along the way. Taking care of curly hair can be quite the task, and it’s likely that if you haven’t already, you’ll make some mistakes along your journey. We’d like to help you avoid some of those pitfalls of curl care if possible, so here are five common mistakes that most curly girls make.

  • https://i.pinimg.com/564x/13/13/7a/13137a45673acbbbc1e9c327e851c8f8.jpg It’s true, when it comes to taking care of our curls, we all make mistakes! While a few mistakes here and there aren’t usually a big deal, with time it can add up to something more significant. Since we want your curls to be the best they can be every day, we thought we’d share some of the common mistakes curly girls make, as well as how to fix them.

  • qredew.com Dealing with split ends can be really annoying. Splits can make your curls look frizzy and make it more difficult to grow them out. However, there are a few things you can do to help manage your splits and keep your curls healthy. While you can’t turn back the clock and erase split ends, you can do things to help minimize the amount of splits you get. Wash less often: Minimizing washes can help keep curls healthier.