• easterndesignoffice.tumblr.com It’s been a long time coming, but curly hair is having a serious moment. Everywhere you look you see women rocking their natural locks and storing away their flat irons. Whether you’ve always worn your hair naturally or are just embracing your curls, there are some mistakes you could be making that can hold you back. Your stylist doesn’t have curly hair: This is case of it takes one to know one.

  • https://www.essence.com/hair/natural-hair-influencers-instagram-2018/#391990 It’s no secret that social media is everywhere. While it can certainly lead to a lot of drama, there are some good things that come from it as well. Influencers can show us different products, techniques, and ways to style our curls. If you’re feeling like you’re in a bit of a rut, here are curly hair influencers you should follow today. You might learn something new! Curly Hair Influencers You Should Follow Today @heycurlie Pop on over to Insta to give this feed a look through.

  • i.pinimg.com We are all about whatever makes life with curls easier. Here are some of our favorite curly hair hacks that are sure to rock your world. Cover the sink: Detangling can leave a huge mess behind. Before beginning to work through those knots and tangles, cover your sink with plastic wrap, or a towel for a more environmentally friendly alternative. When you’re done, gather up the wrap and toss it.

  • blackhairinformation.com It isn’t always easy having curly hair. One day it can look amazing and the next be a total mess. However, there are a few hacks that can help make your curls look even more amazing than usual! Use curlers: If you’re finding your curls don’t retain shape very well, you can consider using some soft rollers or perm rods to help them hold a more defined curl.

  • instagram.com If you have curly hair, there are a few things you need to know. Understanding how your curls work can save you a lot of time and energy. Here are some hacks you need to know to get great looking curls every day. Fight Frizz: There’s no doubt that frizz is a curl’s worst enemy. While there are tons of products that can help combat frizz, you want to stop it before it even starts.

  • i.pinimg.com It’s safe to say that if you have naturally curly hair, you know how challenging it can be to manage it. Regardless of whether you’ve been rocking natural curls for your whole life or are new to the game, it’s always a good idea to have some tricks up your sleeve when it comes to managing your hair. Here are a few easy hair hacks you can use to get your best ever curls.

  • Hair dye dates back to the time of Cleopatra and it’s constantly been evolving ever since, but we’re not here for a history lesson. We’ve come a long way in the journey of hair color and we want to keep all of you curly girls up to date with the top color trends of the year. That’s right, we’ve got six trends that will give you all the color hairspiration you need to meet your curly #hairgoals.

  • Did you know that there is a “world-renowned authority on color”? That’s right, each year, on the first day of New York Fashion Week, The Pantone Color Institute releases a biannual fashion report highlighting the top ten shades that are bound to dominate the color trends of the year. But who says you have to stop at fashion!? Set some trends with your curls by wearing these colors in your hair!

  • i.pinimg.com We don’t know about you but we love a good hair hack! Here’s a few of our favorites to make your life with curls even easier. Once you’ve tried some of these hacks , drop us a line to let us know if they’ve worked for you. We love knowing what other curly girls swear by when it comes to taking care of their strands. Sections: Whatever you do to your curls from shampooing, conditioning, detangling, and applying product, it should all be done in sections.

  • instagram.com Struggling to style your curls? We’ve all been there. Curls are definitely a blessing but sometimes can feel like a curse. Here’s a handy cheat shee t on the do’s and dont’s of styling curls! Don’t skip out on getting your curls professionally cut: A good haircut is the foundation of helping your curls look amazing. Don’t skip your regularly scheduled haircuts with a stylist who’s well trained in curly hair care.

  • kinkycurlycoilyme.com Curls suffer in the winter. The dry air, lack of moisture and constant exposure to the elements can cause a lot of problems for delicate strands. Don’t let your curls be victim to the colder months; check out these tips for how to keep your curls safe. Treat them gently: When it comes to keeping your curls healthy in the winter, make sure you’re treating them gently. You might want to consider less harsh cleansers in favor of milder cleansing products.

  • naturallycurly.com As you grow older, you might notice that your curls are beginning to thin. This is a problem that affections millions of people, especially those in their thirties of all genders. Women can experience thinning hair as young as their twenties, and once it starts it will continue throughout their lives. Genetics plays a key role in hair thinning and can contribute to hair loss at the temples and the front of their scalps.

  • naturallycurly.com Wash day is a very important time for those of us with curly hair. We invest a lot of time and money on making sure our curls look their very best and it can be majorly disappointing when your curls don’t look how you want them to. If you feel pretty bummed after wash day, there’s a few changes you can make. The following are a few reasons why your curls might not be looking the way you’d like.

  • i.pinimg.com If you’re new to your natural curl care journey, we want to welcome you! Learning to embrace and love your natural curls can be a process. In addition to giving up on straightening your curls, you also are learning to care for a whole new type of hair. There is a ton of information out there regarding curl care and it can be hard to figure out where to start.

  • naturallycurly.com When it comes to finding the right curl care products, it can be tricky to find the ones. On occasion, curly girls have been known to accidentally pick up the wrong product. Even if you grabbed a product meant for fine hair when your curls are tight, thick and coiled, it doesn’t mean all hope is lost. Here are some tips and tricks to take a product that isn’t working, and utilize it to the best of its abilities.

  • thehappyhuntersblog.com Have you ever wished it was easier to manage your curls? Guess what? It can be! Here are some super fun tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your gorgeous locks. Cover the sink: If you stand over the sink to detangle your curls, odds are you’ve had a clogged drain. Beat this issue and make cleanup a breeze by covering your sink with a hand towel or Saran Wrap before detangling.

  • i.pinimg.com When you’re trying to grow out your curls, it can feel very frustrating to experience shrinkage with your curls. Some women notice their curls shrink up to 8 inches when going from wet to dry, which is annoying to say the least. What is shrinkage? Shrinkage occurs when there is a decrease in length when curly, kinky hair dries. As curls dry, they lose the length provided by the water holding them down and contract.

  • i.pinimg.com When you’re trying to grow out your curls, it can feel very frustrating to experience shrinkage with your curls. Some women notice their curls shrink up to 8 inches when going from wet to dry, which is annoying to say the least. What is shrinkage? Shrinkage occurs when there is a decrease in length when curly, kinky hair dries. As curls dry, they lose the length provided by the water holding them down and contract.

  • i.pinimg.com If you’ve heard it once, you’ve probably heard it a few times; curls are dry. Keeping your curls moisturized is one of the top ways to ensure they will stay healthy. Here are some of our techniques we use to keep our curls hydrated. One of the first things you’ll need to do is figure out which moisturizers are right for your curls type. For example, if you have fine, wavy curls, you won’t use the same heavy moisturizers our friends with kinky coils might use.

  • instagram.com Have you ever felt overwhelmed by trying to manage your curls? If so, you’re not alone. Curls are amazing but they can also be difficult to handle. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you gain confidence in your curls and rock your strands! Alternate products: Have you ever used a deodorant for awhile only to wake up one day and find it no longer works? Your curls build up a tolerance to certain products, much the same way your body builds up a tolerance to things like deodorant.