More tips you need to rock your curls

While every curly girl has different needs for her strands, there are a few things that can help out everyone. Rather than having to spend hours combing the internet for the best tips and tricks, we’ve gathered a few to help you along. Here are more tips you need to rock your curls. Don’t forget to add your favorite tips for other curlies in the comments.

Add one product or change at a time:

Even though it can be really exciting to add a new product or method to your curl care routine, be cautious about doing a whole bunch of things at once. Instead, add one thing in at a time so you can monitor how your curls react. That way, you’ll know if it’s your new product that’s working, or your new technique that’s making your strands frizzy. Keep notes of what you find so you know what works, or what doesn’t work.

_Save receipts:
_While you’re trying to figure out what products will work in your curls, don’t hesitate to read return policies, and save your receipts. If something doesn’t work for you, you might be able to return or exchange it. You can also try asking for samples, or buying travel sizes so you can try a product without fully committing.

Diffuse your curls:

When you’re ready to blow dry your curls, don’t blast your curls into oblivion with your hair dryer. Instead, use a diffuser and dry your curls on low heat to make sure your curls dry evenly, and aren’t damaged during the drying process.

Use a pick or wide-toothed comb:

Instead of a brush, get yourself a pick or a wide-toothed comb. These will work much better for you, as they won’t disrupt your natural curl pattern and will help evenly distribute products throughout your curls. You can also use a pick to help give your curls more volume and lift.

Have patience:

It can be really frustrating when you’re starting on a curly hair journey, but don’t loose heart. So you don’t think you’re not seeing progress, make sure you’re taking regular pictures to monitor how your curls are doing. Additionally, have patience! Helping your curls get healthy, and figuring out how to take care of them can take some time, but you can do it.