How To Manage Split Ends

curly hair

Dealing with split ends can be really annoying. Splits can make your curls look frizzy and make it more difficult to grow them out. However, there are a few things you can do to help manage your splits and keep your curls healthy. While you can’t turn back the clock and erase split ends, you can do things to help minimize the amount of splits you get.

Wash less often: Minimizing washes can help keep curls healthier. Over cleansing strips curls of natural moisture, which can lead to split ends. Cutting down wash days allow curls to preserve their oils and allows cuticles to stay closed longer, which retains hydration.

Wash correctly: When you do need to cleanse your curls, avoid rubbing shampoo throughout your strands. Focus your shampoo on your scalp, using fingertips to get a good cleanse. After shampooing, apply a moisturizing conditioner from mid-shaft to ends, allowing it to sit for several minute to penetrate your curls.

Towel right: Chuck that terry cloth towel in the trash. Ok, not really, but don’t use it on your curls. Instead of rubbing your hair with a towel, use a microfiber towel or an old, soft t-shirt to gently squeeze or blot water out of your curls.

Detangle correctly: Brushes and small toothed combs are no longer for you. When in the shower, use conditioner to create slip to help you detangle tough snarls. Approach tangles by section and work through each one gently without ripping or pulling.

Heat: When it comes to using a hair dryer or a heat tool for styling, wield these tools with caution. Excess heat can be super damaging to delicate strands. Use a diffuser to help limit the amount of heat from a blowdryer that’s directly on your curls. When using a heat tool, make sure to use on dry curls and use a protectant spray.

Regular trims: You can’t turn back the clock and erase split ends, but you can get rid of them. Curls that are split will keep splitting until you cut the ends off. Make sure you’re scheduling regular trims with your stylist who specializes in curls to make sure all the dead ends are chopped off. This will allow healthy strands to keep growing.