What To Know When You’re Transitioning to Natural Curls

curly hair


If you’re beginning the process of transitioning to your natural curls, you might experience some frustrations along the way. For curlies who have spent years straightening their curls, it can be quite the journey back to their natural curls. We want to make the process as easy for you as possible, so here’s what you need to know when transitioning to natural curls.

Have patience. It’s going to be a process to reclaim your natural curls. Don’t give up and go back to straightening or heat styling your curls. You’ll get there.

Touch your hair as little as possible. This is not a time to be putting your fingers in your curls, or twisting your hair into protective styles. Try to manipulate your curls the least amount as possible to allow them time to grow.

Use your fingers. When it comes to detangling or styling, avoid combs and brushes. Use your fingers to work through tangles and snarls individually.

Avoid heat. Even though it might be tempting, try to avoid using heat tools are much as possible on your hair. The same goes for chemical treatments.

Accept shrinkage. When your curls are straight, they’re going to loo longer. When your curls are transitioning back, they might appear to be shorter or shrinking. Your curls will eventually grow back in long and strong, but only if you let them be.

Treat with care. Your transitioning curls are going to be fragile, and you might have a line of demarcation where your chemically treated curls meet your natural curls. Treat this area with care, as your hair will be particularly fragile there.

Don’t stress the small stuff. As you’re transitioning, you might experience some breakage or damage that can lead to loss of length. Don’t spend your time obsessing over a few lost inches, but instead focus on the fact that you’re working on growing healthy, natural curls.

Choose the right products. Your curls are in a vulnerable position. Make sure to pick products that work well for natural, as well as chemically treated hair.

Cut only when ready. Many people will encourage you to go for the big chop, but you don’t need to do that until you’re ready. When you’re ready, make sure to schedule an appointment with a stylist who specializes in curly hair to make sure you get the right cut for you.