How To Help Your Curls Grow

curly hair

If you’re trying to grow curls that are longer and stronger, it can feel difficult. No matter how much you do to grow your curls, achieving length and strength can be tough. Here are some tips to help your curls grow longer.

Use castor oil:

Castor oil has been used as a beauty product for hundreds of years. It’s a natural antibiotic and antifungal which helps create a healthy scalp environment. It’s also loaded with vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to curl growth.

Green tea:

Brew yourself a healthful cup of green tea regularly to enjoy the antioxidants and caffeine. This will help stimulate blood flow to your scalp, which will encourage your curls to grow. You can either down a cup of the smooth green brew or apply it directly to your curls to enjoy the benefits.

Enjoy eggs:

Whether you’re eating eggs or using them in DIY curl care products, they’re hugely beneficial to healthy curls. You can add eggs to your diet or make your own curl rinse with eggs to reap the benefits. Whip the eggs into a froth, and apply directly to damp curls. Allow to sit for 20 minutes before removing with a gentle shampoo (you don’t want your curls smelling of eggs). You can use this treatment up to four times a week to see maximum results.

Avoid heat:

If your curls aren’t achieving length, you might be using too much heat. Try to avoid hair dryers, flat irons, or curling irons to allow your curls time to heal.

Add avocado:

This green fruit isn’t only great on toast, it’s also great for curls. Mix mashed avocado with olive oil and apply to your curls as a mask to get shinier, healthy curls. Cover with a cap and allow the mixture to sit for up to two hours. Once it’s fully penetrated your strands, rinse with a gentle shampoo and cool water.