How To Banish Frizz Forever

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Frizz. Even thinking about it is annoying and it’s the bane of every curly girl’s existence. Making sure that curls stay frizz free can be tough but it’s not impossible. We’re offering up our favorite tips and tricks to help you banish frizz forever!


Sleep right: Before you hit the pillow, make sure to pineapple your curls. Pile dry curls on the top of your head and use a satin scrunchie to secure.


Dry right: While air drying is one of the best ways to beat frizz, not everyone has time for it. If you need dry curls quick, use a diffuser. Dry your curls upside down and allow your curls to be cupped by the diffuser. Avoid moving the diffuser until your curls are fully dry and then move to a new section.

washing curls

Wash right: Hot showers feel amazing but they’re tough on curls. Heat dries curls out, which leads to waves. Wash and rinse your curls in cold water, while helps close down the cuticle, which allows curls to retain moisture.

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Treat right: Make sure to treat yo curls! In order to be happy and frizz free, curls need moisture. Consider using a natural, DIY curl care masque to help your curls stay hydrated.

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Style right: Have you ever noticed how your curls look amazing on wash day, but by the second day tend to look a little lackluster and dare we say…frizzy? Beat this by creating your own curl refreshing treatment to help style your curls right. Combine your favorite conditioner in a spray bottle with water and spray onto dry curls. Make sure to scrunch!