Amazing Curl Growth Boosters

Amazing Curl Growth Boosters _t0/?taken-by=teamnatural_

So many of us wish for longer, healthier curls. While curls only grow 1/2″ inch a month, there are certain things we can do to help the growth of our hair along. Here are some amazing curl growth boosters to help you achieve the curl length of your dreams.

Amazing Curl Growth Boosters

Amazing Curl Growth Boosters

You can use rice water or rose water by adding it directly to your shampoo and massaging it into your scalp. Otherwise, add these curl boosting waters to a spray bottle and spritz throughout your hair. Apply directly to your scalp and massage to encourage good circulation and minimize dandruff.


There are tons of fabulous oils out there that can help increase curl growth. For example, peppermint oil invigorates your scalp and increases blood flow. You can also use Argan, awaphui, almond, and sapote oil to help seal moisture in and minimize breakage. You can also consider using rosemary and lavender oils for the calming, therapeutic properties. These oils also have a fabulous scent! Mix into shampoos or apply directly to hair using a carrier oil (such as almond oil).

Kitchen pantry:

There are tons of amazing curl enhancing products that are probably already in your kitchen pantry. The caffeine in coffee can stimulate slugging curl follicles to encourage growth. Many curls brew a strong cup of coffee and use it in the shower with their shampoo, massaging it into their scalp. Tumeric also has similar effects. When applied throughout damp strands, yogurt can make an excellent moisturizing mask. It can be mixed with other ingredients from your home, such as yogurt, ground up carrots, chia seeds, and coconut milk to make your very own customized curl care mask.

Have you tried any of these curl enhancing products? If so, let us know which have worked well for you!

What To Add To Your Shampoo To Grow Long Curls