The Oils Your Curls Need

curly hair

It’s no secret that oils are essential to getting great looking curls. Oils can help protect your strands by locking in moisture and keeping strands healthy. Here are a few oils you should be using on your curls.

Almond oil:

This oil is loaded with magnesium which can help manage sensitive curls. It helps control dandruff and keeps scalps from being irritated. It also keeps blood flow circulating to encourage healthy curl growth. Almond oil is often used as a carrier oil so you can add essential oils to it to get added benefits. 

Coconut oil:

This oil has been the darling of the curl care community for a long time. In addition to be amazingly beneficial to your hair it’s also great for your skin! Coconut oil is a great moisturizer because it easily penetrates deep into your curl shaft. It also helps stimulate growth and works to help manage curl fall, meaning your curls with grow long and stronger more quickly.

Castor oil:

This is another oil that’s been used for thousands of years. Many curlies use it during the pre poo part of their curl care routine because it works well to seal down strands and prevents moisture loss. If you have curls that are slow growing, castor oil helps stimulate the scalp by encouraging blood flow.

Avocado oil:

This oil is one that’s more recently being picked up and experimented with more by curly girls. This oil is a great compliment to your other moisturizing treatments like deep conditioners or leave in conditioners. It’s loaded with the vitamins curls needs to maintain their health and keep growing. You can also massage the oil into your scalp to help encourage healthy blood flow. 

 Jojoba oil:

Of all the oils listed, jojoba is the one that most closely resembles and acts like your own natural sebum and oils. This makes it a great choice for curlies who have super dry, sensitive scalps. It works to remove build up from your scalp, which will allow more air to get to your skin which increases growth. It helps minimize irritation and dandruff on dry, distressed scalps. Additionally, it enhances shine and helps take frizz! What’s not to love about this oil? It’s also a great carrier oil so you can add your favorite essential oils to it to get soft, shiny curls.