Can Blueberries Help Your Curly Hair Grow?

blueberries for curls

We all know that healthy curls start from the inside out. Blueberries are lauded as one of the most healthy foods out there and it seems as though blueberry extract can have some benefits on growing healthy curls as well. Mahisha Dellinger discussed the benefits of blueberries and why she chose them as an ingredient in her new hair care collection, Blueberry Bliss.

blueberry styler

Blueberry extract has been proven to repair damage, prevent damage and help hair grow. Blueberries contain proanthocyanidin, a chemical which helps hair grow by stimulating hair follicles. When you consume blueberries or use extract, your hair receives a boost of antioxidants and an excess of Vitamins A, B5, C, and E. You can eat blueberries but can also receive their benefits by using the Blueberry Bliss products.

curls blueberry bliss

Start with the gentle hair wash then follow it with the hydrating, conditioning mask. To achieve defined curls, add the Curl Control Jelly, and seal in moisture with the Hair Growth Oil. No matter what your curl pattern or density, this product line will work great to help you achieve healthy, defined curls.