The Best Sealants for Your Natural Curls

curly hair

Most curlies are now embracing the L.O.C. method, which allows moisture to stay locked into natural curls. However, this method won’t be truly effective unless you use the right sealants. To help you get the best sealant for your curls, which means the most moisture, we’ve compiled a list of our favorites.

1. Castor Oil:  This oil has been well loved by naturally curly girls for years and is commonly found in most households. It helps curls grow long, remain strong and helps retain moisture. If your deep conditioner and pre-poo need a little pick-me-up, you can add in castor oil for added benefits.

2. Jojoba Oil: If you’re looking for a very popular sealant that works wonders, pick up jojoba. If your curls struggle to maintain shine, this oil will add it back in. It also works to strengthen curls, and contains antibacterial properties. This makes it great for those who struggle with dandruff or dry scalps.

3.Grapeseed Oil: Natural curlies who heat style their hair often use grapeseed oil as a protectant, as it has a high burn point. This also makes it a great sealant for your L.O.C. method. The fatty amino acids protect curls without weighing your strands down.

4. Shea Butter: Shea butter is versatile like coconut oil. It’s amazing for skin but also great for curls. Shea butter is thick, which means it can weigh delicate curls down so go easy with it.

5. Aloe Vera Gel/Juice: You can use aloe vera juice or gel as a sealant. However, gel is often preferred. Aloe vera gel works as a sealant to keep moisture in and also balances your curl’s natural pH. While some curl care products can elevate your pH, aloe vera gel can bring it back down and rebalance it.

Do you have a sealant you love to use on your natural curls? If so, let us know!