Your Weekly Curl Care Routine

Summer is here, and it’s time to think about refreshing your curl care routine. A fresh routine can help set the tone for a fantastic season. Additionally, this is a good time to swap out any old or ineffective products. Here’s your weekly curl care routine. Give it a try, and adjust as needed for you and your curls’ needs!

Your Weekly Curl Care Routine


This is a good day to start your week off with a fresh wash. Plan Sunday as your wash day. If needed, clarify your curls. Follow with a pre poo, co wash or shampoo, and finish with a deep conditioning treatment. Allow the conditioner to sit on your curls for at least 30 minutes to achieve full effectiveness.


Refresh your second day curls with a curl refreshing spray to rejuvenate any strands that were crushed overnight. You can also add in a leave in conditioner as needed.

How to Have Beautiful Second Day Curls

Tuesday – Wednesday:

Both these days are great days to keep caring for your curls through regular moisturizing. Spritz your curls with water, or make your own curl refreshing spray. You can also apply product as needed to help pop curls back up.


By now your curls might be feeling and looking a bit tired, so this is a great time for a mid week cowash. Follow with a conditioner, or a deep conditioner if your curls need some extra TLC.

Friday – Saturday:

As you’re headed into the weekend, it’s important to make sure your curls are well taken care of. This means you should make sure you’re moisturizing your strands to keep them looking great all weekend long.

Amazing Curl Refreshing Sprays To Try

Bi weekly:

At least twice a month, you might want to consider using a protein treatment to help rebuild and repair any damage to your strands.  A 2-5 minute treatment works wonders for dry, brittle curls.