What you need to know to love your curls


While most curly girls learn to love their natural texture, it can sometimes be a bit of a process to get there. Starting from a young age, a lot of curly girls are taught that in order to meet society’s beauty standards, their curls should look different. They then spend a lot of time and money straightening or trying to change their curls. However, we are firm believers that all curls are beautiful, and your natural texture is worthy of being loved and care for. So no matter where you are in your curl care journey, here’s what you need to love your curls.

Every curl is unique:

As strange as it is to think, no one in the whole world has the exact same kind of curls as you. Every strand is unique to you, and most curly girls even have a few types of curls on their heads. One of the best ways to fall in love with your curls and texture to accept that no one will have the exact same hair as you, and yours won’t look exactly like anyone else’s. Settle in, and embrace your texture!

Learn what works:

Understanding your curls and what they need is a work in progress. You’re going to need to spend some time figuring out exactly what that is, and how to make it work effectively for your strands. One way to do it is to read articles, follow some bloggers or YouTubers to learn their techniques, and read product reviews. When you’re ready, select a technique and a few products to try, and give it a few goes before giving up! It can take some time for a new routine to settle in.

Don’t be afraid to shine:

Even though it can sometimes be overwhelming to rock your natural curls out and about, don’t be afraid to embrace who you are. Women with natural curls have spent centuries trying to fit in, or to get their hair accepted, and change is on the horizon. No matter the texture, thickness, density, or color of your curls, know that your hair is gorgeous and you deserve to shine!