Should You Deep Condition Dry Or Wet Curls?

Have you ever considered how you’re deep conditioning your curls? If not, it’s time to start thinking about it! Have you ever wondered; should you deep condition dry or wet curls? If so, you’re not alone! Here’s how you’ll know which is for your curls.

Should You Deep Condition Dry Or Wet Curls?

We’re fairly sure we’re not the only ones who aren’t huge fans of getting in and out of the shower multiple times during wash day. When you wash your curls and then apply deep conditioner, it works best when allowed to sit for at least 30-60 minutes. This means that at some point, you’re going to have to rinse it out again. However, this can feel tedious and time consuming. Therefore, sometimes curly girls just slather up their dry curls with deep conditioner.

While conditioning while dry doesn’t necessarily mean your product will be less effective, there can be an unintended side effect. When you don’t wash your curls prior to applying deep conditioner, your hair might be dirty. Your strands could be coated with sebum, dirt, or other product build up. This sounds gross, but it’s normal. However, if your hair is dirty, this could make your deep conditioner less effective as it won’t be able to penetrate into your follicles.

When curls are wet, this softens the strands and allows for the moisture to more deeply penetrate into the cuticle. Therefore, if you have dry or damaged curls, it might be best for you to wash your strands or wet them prior to deep conditioning your strands. Wash your strands thoroughly, remove excess water, and apply a deep conditioner throughout your strands. Cleaning the hair will soften your strands, and then allow the moisture to go into the cuticles. You can add heat or steam as well if you’re finding your strands need some extra moisture.

The Right Way To Deep Condition Your Curls