• https://i.pinimg.com/564x/07/ac/d1/07acd15cc14ca43f03fb28d7f3841571.jpg When it comes to curl care, there are a lot of great products on the market. However, it can sometimes be beneficial to make your own. Why, you might ask? There are a lot of ingredients that go into commercial products that often aren’t healthful for hair. Additionally, products can create a lot of plastic waste, and be expensive. If you’re interested in saving money, and having control over what goes on your curls, you might want to consider making your own.

  • Taking care of curls is a lot of work. Every curly girls knows this to be true. However, you don’t have to be alone in taking care of your curls. Digging through all the information out there takes a lot of time, but we’ve done the work for you. These are the curl care tips everyone needs to know. Give these tips and tricks a try to get your best ever curls.

  • i.pinimg.com/originals/08/1a/e1/081ae153caa1244d82b4c19b493fb0c9.jpg Whether you’re new to natural curls, or have always rocked your natural locks, there’s great techniques to know. Ways that you style or treat your curls can have a significant impact on your strands. Instead of struggling to get great curls, you should give these tricks a try! These are the curl care techniques you need to know. The Curl Care Techniques You Need To Know Scrunch: This means gathering your curls up in your hands in small amounts.

  • https://www.pouted.com/img/posts/2020/07/The-Gray-and-layered-hair..-675 ×825.jpg It’s hardly a secret that for hundreds of years, women have been running to their colorists to cover up even the very first signs of gray hair. Women with curly hair aren’t immune to this either, and spend just as much time and energy trying to cover up their silver strands. However, have we ever stopped to think about why that is? Why do we spend so much time and energy trying to cover up gray hair?

  • https://i.pinimg.com/originals/13/30/74/133074e1c61a62b8a0d3c57234a652ba.jpg More naturally curly girls are beginning to consider transitioning back to their natural texture. There is often a lot of pressure on women with naturally curly hair to follow society’s expectations for a certain hair type. Curls are often dismissed as being unprofessional or unkempt. We know this isn’t true and are pleased to see the naturally curly community is pushing back! If you’re ready to start rocking your gorgeous, natural texture, we’re here to help.

  • Frizz is the bane of so many curly girls’ existences. It can be annoying and difficult to manage. However, there is plenty you can do to manage your frizzy hair. These are the best ways to beat frizz. If you have any suggestions you’d like to share for how you keep frizz under control, let us know. https://www.society19.com/uk/haircuts-for-frizzy-hair/ The Best Ways To Beat Frizz Skip sulfates, embrace glycerin: When picking shampoos, skip any that contain sulfates.

  • https://i.pinimg.com/564x/a0/44/ef/a044efea8e64e8605b0c1d6fae01e9ad.jpg Do you find yourself frustrated by slow curl growth? If so, you’re not alone. A lot of curly girls find themselves dissastified with sluggish curl growth. Part of this is due to the natural coil of your curls. When curls coil, it can make your strands appear as though they’re shorter. However, if you’re struggling to attain your natural 1/2 inch of growth a month, then you might want to consider some supplements.

  • A lot of curly girls out there have fine hair. Curls are often thought of as being thick, or coarse. However, this simply isn’t the case for every curly girl. Many curlies have thin, fine curls, meaning that they simply can’t use heavier products. Many also believe this can also mean they can’t use oils. Fortunately, this isn’t the case! There are plenty of great oils out there. These are the best oils for fine curls.

  • https://www.africanamericanhairstylevideos.com/big-chop-transitioning/ We don’t know about you, but we don’t have a lot of money to spend on our curl care products! When your budget is tight, it’s important to know what’s out there for curly hair products. As a result, we’ve compiled this list of the best drugstore finds for curly hair. Give these products a try, and let us know if they work for you. These are all available at your local drugstore or box store, so they’re easy to find, and they work well!

  • https://diana-cdn.naturallycurly.com/Articles2.0/3bVzOUuoa46MEqwUG0mAek/contentImages/cb2c7a9c4631030c0d64c9297ea540c8/temi-700.jpg When it comes to your curly hair, detangling can be one of the most tedious parts of the curl care process. This is especially true for 4C types. Since your curls tend to be thicker, and more dense, yet delicate, it can take a very long time to get your curls fully detangled without damaging your strands. However, we’ve got you covered with the best detanglers for 4C curls.

  • http://www.crazyforus.stfi.re/articles/25-gorgeously-long-curly-hairstyles/?sf=ryvnawo#aa Have you ever wished your curl care budget would stretch a bit further? We’re all for saving money, and these products deliver. First of all, don’t trade quality for price! These are the best curl care products for under $15. Are any of these on your list? If so, give some a try and let us know what you think. We love to hear from you! The Best Curl Care Products Under $15 Cantu Shea Butter Leave in Conditioning Repair Cream This cream comes in under $10, and is easy to find at your local retailer.

  • i.pinimg.com/originals/99/bd/d2/99bdd2aa75a093deaa6a5720c75abc85.jpg If you haven’t jumped on board the cowashing trend yet, it’s time to consider. While it’s seeing a sudden increase in popularity, not a lot of people know about cowashing. However, we think it’s here to stay. Here are the benefits of cowashing curls. Do you cowash yet? If so, let us know how you like it. The Benefits Of Cowashing Curls Less frizz: Cowashed curls are often less frizzy.

  • www.africanamericanhairstylevideos.com Are you looking for a cheap, healthy product that works amazingly well for curls? If so, look no further than your kitchen pantry! Apple cider vinegar has been used in natural health care for hundreds of years. It has tons of amazing benefits, but can also be used on your curls. If you’re looking to take control of what you put on your curls, consider using ACV. These are the benefits of apple cider vinegar for curls.

  • For those of you who have type 3c curls, you probably know taking care of your strands can be uniquely challenging. Therefore, we’ve got you covered. This is the 3c regimen you have to try. Learn how to take your curls to the next level with this ultimate 3c curl care routine. We can’t wait to see if you’ll love it as much as well do. The 3c Regimen You Have To Try First things first: When learning how to take care of your 3c curls, you first need to have the right products.

  • i.pinimg.com Have you ever looked at your curls and realized there might be more than one type of strand growing on your head? Most curly girls actually have a few different types of curls going on. Additionally, even with a type, there can be different textures. Here are the textures of Type 4 curls and how you can recognize them. Once you know what types of curls you have, the better prepared you’ll be to take care of them.

  • https://lovehairstyles.com/img/posts/2018/11/all-you-need-to-know-about-3a-3b-3c-hair-layered-bangs-334 ×500.jpg Welcome, curly girl! If you’re reading this, you probably have some questions about how to take care of your type 3a curls. Don’t worry; you aren’t alone. A lot of curly girls struggle trying to figure out how to take care of their hair, but we’ve got you covered. This is your guide on taking care of 3a curls. Give this guide a read through and let us know what you think.

  • https://www.instagram.com/p/BYjeNiJAlKx/ We’ve all heard how terrible products containing sulfates are for our curls. While sulfates make the suds that we’re used to, that’s actually a sign of moisture being stripped away. First of all, sulfates lead to dryness, frizz, and as a result, breakage. In an effort to keep curls hydrated, avoid shampoos with sulfates. Here are great sulfate free shampoos for soft curls. Give these fabulous shampoos a try and let us know what you think.

  • Do you ever find yourself falling into a haircut rut? If so , you’re not alone! Sometimes it can feel as though there aren’t really a lot of haircut styles out there for curly hair, so it’s easy to do the same old, same old thing out of convenience. However, we’ve got you covered when it comes to taking care of your hair. These are some stylish cuts for curly hair.

  • https://i.pinimg.com/236x/64/dc/4d/64dc4dd9efc02cd54b2a82b683867a88.jpg If you have curly hair, you probably know bedtime can be problematic. You go to bed with a head full of gorgeous, bouncy curls, and wake up seven to eight hours later with a flattened mess of frizz. Seriously, it’s one of the more annoying issues that plague curly haired girls. However, you don’t have to take this lying down. Here’s the best way to try sleeping with curls , so you can wake up with beautiful strands.

  • https://i.pinimg.com/564x/04/a6/32/04a632b38243108885cda7e6636db268.jpg A lot of damage can happen overnight to your curls, but don’t despair! It’s very preventable when you know how to take care of your curls overnight. Overnight curl care is really important for starting your hair off right on the next day. This is the way to be sleeping safely with curls. Give these suggestions a try, and let us know what your favorite tip was. Don’t forget to tell us if there’s anything that works for you we haven’t mentioned.