• Believe it or not, great curls start in the shower. While this might sound kind of out there, hear us out. A good washing routine is the foundation for fabulous curls. If you’re not washing your hair correctly to ensure great results, odds are you’re going to end up with a mess. These are the best shower hacks for curly hair. Give these tips and tricks a try to see if it improves upon the overall health and well being of your curls.

  • Have you ever wished your hair was something different; smoother, shinier, straighter? Many of us have been there and some of us have even tried to change our curls. While there’s nothing wrong with that, it can be beneficial to learn to love your curls as is. Here’s the way to learning to love your curl type. Change your expectations: Mindset is all part of the game of learning to love your curl type.

  • There’s nothing wrong with having fine curls. Some textures are just made that way. However, due to hormonal imbalances, poor diet, or stress, some curlies experience hair loss. It can be frustrating and embarrassing. If you’d like to recover your curl’s natural thickness, don’t despair. Here’s how to help curls thicken up. Try these DIY home remedies and let us know what you think. How To Help Curls Thicken Up Coconut oil: Take 4 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil and melt.

  • The Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo You Should Be Using We all know how great apple cider vinegar is for your curl care routine. First of all, it works as an anti fungal, meaning it will help manage dandruff and control dryness. Additionally, it also works great to increase shine and softness because it removes build up. While many curly girls opt to use straight apple cider vinegar in the shower, some want to take it to the next level.

  • Are you in love with your curls when wet, only to find a frizzy mess when dry? Fortunately, you don’t have to give up those well defined curls. Here’s how to keep your wet curl pattern. Give these tips a try, and let us know if it works for you! How To Care For Your Curls In Three Minutes How to Keep Your Wet Curl Pattern The shingle method: This method can be a bit involved, but it can be worthwhile for maintaining your curl pattern.

  • Are you the type who likes to wash and go, but aren’t always impressed with how your curls turn out? If so, you might need to learn how to let your curls air dry. Believe it or not, there’s a method to the madness when it comes to getting your curls to look their best when you opt to completely air dry. Here’s what you can do to turn your frizzy curls into a mane of glorious curls.

  • So many curly girls long to have Rapunzel-like length, but struggle to achieve their length goals. Growing out curls can seem like a long, tedious process, especially it feels like you don’t see any improvement. There are a few things you can do to help improve your curl growth, including adopting a curl growth diet . These foods are perfect for encouraging curl growth because they stimulate blood circulation, as well as encourage healthy scalps.

  • Curly girl, you know that rocking your natural strands isn’t always easy. There’s a lot going against us; humidity, dryness, and frizz can all wreak havoc on your strands. However, you can fight back! You don’t have to give up your favorite tool; your hair dryer! Here’s how to use your hair dryer and diffuser to get great curls. What’s a diffuser? A diffuser is an attachment that goes on the end of your hair dryer that minimizes frizz by evenly distributing air around your curls.

  • Do you have dry, distressed, or damaged curls? If so, you might need to try some more intensive products. Damaged curls can be difficult to recover from, and while there isn’t a true fix other than getting the damage removed, there are products that can help keep it from becoming worse. These are even more great products for damaged curls. Don’t forget to let us know which are your favorite.

  • When it comes to curly hair, it can feel like years before you see any growth. Many curlies get frustrated and give up when it comes to achieving the curl length of their dreams, because it seems as though curly hair grows much more slowly than those with straight hair. This simply isn’t true. Curly hair grows at the same rate as everyone else’s (about half an inch a month) but since curls are coiled, it can be awhile before you see length.

  • If you have low porosity curls, you’ve come to the wrong place. Low porosity curls have some trials that other curly girls don’t experience. You might find your strands are dry, prone to breakage, and struggle to retain moisture. While this sounds kind of negative, the upside is with a good routine, your curls can flourish. This is how to create a low porosity curl routine. Give these suggestions a try, and see if it works for your low porosity curls.

  • Do you curls feel like a haystack when you run your fingers through them? If so, you might need a moisturizing treatment! Don’t despair; you can make your own treatments for your dry curls! Fortunately, a lot of these treatments can be found right in your kitchen or pantry. Here are recipes for DIY treatments for your dry curls. Give some a try and let us know what you think.

  • If you’re the DIY type, or you like to know exactly what’s in your products, we’ve got you covered. This is how to make flaxseed gel with honey. Instead of buying your gel, which can be full of ingredients that can actually do more harm than good, you can take a few minutes to craft your own. This recipe is easy, works great, and lasts for awhile. Give it a try and make sure to tell us if it works great for you.

  • When it comes to curls, understanding their porosity can go a long way in their overall care and maintenance. First, you need to understand what porosity is. Porosity refers to your curl’s ability to maintain moisture and can be categorized on a scale of low, normal, and high. If you have low porosity curls, that means your curl’s shaft is close, making it difficult for it to absorb moisture However, once moisture does get inside your curl’s strands it stays locked in, which is a good thing for you and your curls!

  • Have you ever struggled with your type 2a/2b wavy curls? Many curly girls with wavier strands express difficulty managing their curls. This is often because their finer curls will fall flat. However, there are ways to manage this. Great curls often start in the shower. This is the best wash routine for 2a/2b wavy curls. Try this routine out, and let us know if it works for you. The Best Wash Routine For 2a/2b Wavy Curls Go sulfate free: If you’re still using your mom’s shampoo, it’s time to make the swap.

  • When you’re deciding to commit to the Curly Girl Method, the idea of purchasing all new products can feel really overwhelming, as well as can stretch your budget to the limits. However, it doesn’t have to be a budget-breaker to start this method. If you’re concerned about being able to afford the products associated with the Curly Girl Method, you’re not alone. Here’s the ultimate list of affordable Curly Girl Method approved products as compiled by blogger Holistic Enchilada.

  • This one is for our fine, wavy curly girls! Have you ever felt frustrated by your curls falling flat by day’s end? Or worried that your products are dragging down your strands? It can be difficult to find products that feel like they’re made for your particular type of curls. Wavy or fine curls require a bit more finessing than some of the other curly textures out there to maintain their natural shape.

  • Are you interested in trying out shampoo bars? There are a lot of reasons to love shampoo bars. Not only do they create less plastic waste, it’s easier to handle. A bar gives you a bit more control in the shower, especially for scrubbing thick curls. Bars can work in towards the scalp where shampoo might struggle to reach. Additionally, there are often less ingredients in bars, making it a healthful choice for curls.

  • When it comes to using gel on your curls, one of the end goals is to get a good cast. When this doesn’t happen, it’s easy to wonder why your gel isn’t casting. However, there’s usually a reason why this is, and fortunately, you can make some easy fixes. Check out this list about why your curls aren’t getting a great cast, and let us know if there’s anything you’d add.

  • For those curlies who have taken the plunge and decided to embrace their natural curls, figuring out how to keep those curls healthy can be tough. As more curlies are getting serious about their curl care, more are also starting to think intentionally about what they’re putting into their curls. Ginger has long been celebrated as a fantastic and tasty ingredient often used in Indian and Asian cuisine. However, it also is known for its medicinal purposes.