How To Combat Curl Loss

How To Combat Curl Loss

No matter how long, short, or curly your hair is, dealing with curl loss can be frustrating. There are a lot of reasons as to why some people experience curl loss. Here’s how to combat curl loss. Give these great tips a try, and let us know if it works for you.

What To Do To Retain Your Long Curls

How To Combat Curl Loss

Avoid tight styles:

Try to avoid putting your curls into overly tight styles or protective styles. When hair is pulled too tightly, it can loosen the follicles. Loose follicles equates more curl loss. Therefore, try to minimize the pulling on your strands.

Have a thyroid test:

Make sure to check in with your doctor if you’re experiencing excess curl loss. There can be some biological reasons as to why your curls are falling out. For example, hyper and hypothyroidism can both lead to curl loss. A simple blood test can check to see if your system is out of wack.

Add in iron:

If your curls are falling out a lot, it might be an indicator of a lack of iron in your diet. Adding iron in can help restore curl loss. Up the iron in your diet through red meat and dark, leafy greens.

Massage the scalp:

Adding scalp massage into your curl care routine can be really beneficial to your curl care routine. Using shampoo in the shower, massage your scalp in slow circles. You can also do this dry, or with some oil. This will break up dandruff, build up, and encourage circulation. Better circulation means that your curls will be able to grow and stay healthy.

Skip the heat:

Heat can be very damaging to delicate strands. If you’re already experiencing curl loss, it’s best to avoid using heat on your delicate strands.  Allow curls to air dry as often as possible. If you can’t avoid using heat, do your best to protect your strands before hitting them with the blow dryer or curling iron.

How You Could Be Damaging Your Curls